New Philology Circle

The New Philology Circle brings together people who passionately believe that languages matter. Join the circle: together we’ll choose its meaning.

Our next meeting is April 4, 2017 in DSB C 108 at 4:30. Conversations with Dr. Margaret Cameron on her recently published book, Sourcebook in the History of Philosophy of Language (free preview here).

Download the poster and share this invitation/information with your colleagues, students, and friends. The Circle is open to all! We look forward to seeing you there!

circle, n.screen-shot-2016-09-28-at-10-43-24-pm

1. a. A perfectly round plane figure. In Geom. defined as a plane figure bounded by a single curved line, called the circumference, which is everywhere equally distant from a point within, called the centre. But often applied to the circumference alone, without the included space.

c. Colloq. phr. to go, run or rush (a)round in circles: to rush about in all directions; to move or act aimlessly or inconclusively.
2 c.Photogr. circle of confusion, (also in Physics) circle of least confusion: see quots.
3. As a figure of magic or necromancy.
4 a. Formerly: the sphere or ‘heaven’ in which a heavenly body was supposed to revolve.
11. a. The ring of a circus.
20. A number of persons standing or seated round a person or object of interest; ‘an assembly surrounding the principal person’ (Johnson), as at Court, at a Drawing-room or Levée, etc.
21.a. A number of persons united by acquaintance, common sentiments, interests, etc.; a ‘set’ or coterie; a class or division of society, consisting of persons who associate together.

Our first meeting is October 21, 2016 at 4:30 in HHB 105 for a lecture by Dr. Ping Wang (University of Washington, Asian Language and Literature): How Language Reforms Poetry and How Poetry Transforms Language-A Pivot Point in Medieval Chinese Literary Culture. Cake will be served for the after-lecture conversations. RSVP hcazes [at] before October 18.